Please note: This article is published as an archive copy from Philadelphia City Paper. My City Paper is not affiliated with Philadelphia City Paper. Philadelphia City Paper was an alternative weekly newspaper in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The last edition was published on October 8, 2015.

A. Bruce Crawley shouts with Fox's Bill O'Reilly about the Daily News.
-Deborah Bolling

The Fire This Time
A man was arrested for torching Congressman Fattah's office.
-Daryl Gale

Another group of Eastern-European gunsels makes its mark.
-Brendan McGarvey

Final Talley
-Mary F. Patel

I'll Gladly Pay You on Tuesday For a Hamburger Today
-Daniel Brook

New Stinky at the Inky
-Deborah Bolling

December 12-18, 2002

the bell curve

City Paper's weekly gauge of Philly's Quality of Life

Fights and some property damage result from Axl Roses failing to show up for Guns N Roses concert at FU Center. Guess hes still trying to catch his breath after hauling his fat ass around the stage for the MTV Music Awards. Minus 1

City hit with seven inches of snow, almost double the total from last winter. If you listened carefully, you could hear recently departed John Bolaris weeping. Plus 1

In private meeting, Democratic party boss Bob Brady warns pols if they don't stop fighting each other, they could lose their jobs. Council members vow to unite -- against Mayor Street. Plus 1

2000 Census missed 12,000 Philadelphians, nearly all minorities, according to new figures. Daily News launches new "fugitives" investigation. Minus 4

Philly is sixth most dangerous big city, according to new report. Well, what did you expect after that pathetically tame display when Axl dissed us? Plus 1

Carpenter recently involved in fight with union boss at Convention Center exhibits his paintings. Highlights include Hammer(buriedin)head No. 4 and I'm a Nailgun Owner and I Vote. Plus 1

Six people shot and one stabbed in six-hour period. Nothing like a low ranking on a violence report to rally the people to action. Minus 3

Popular West Mt. Airy food co-op Weavers Way in financial trouble after losing $108,000. That could buy dozens of organically grown tomatoes. Minus 3

Police Department begins switching to digital radios. System already jammed by cops downloading mp3s. Plus 1

Total pluses: 5

Total minuses: 11

Score for the week: -6

Last week’s score: 11

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